Results for "W"

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  Title Copies
Waheenee: an Indian girl's story 
Edition: Revised ed. 
Year: 1981 
ISBN: 0803297033 
ISBN 13: 9780803297036 
Call No: E99.H6 W338 
Wildlife (Saskatchewan)  
Volume: 28 
Year: 1975 
Woodland Cree alphabet frieze 
Year: 2001 
Call No: PM989.R54 
Whadoo tehmi, long-ago people's packsack : Dene babiche bags : tradition and revival 
Year: 2004 
ISBN: 0660192489 
ISBN 13: 9780660192482 
Call No: E99.D25 M36 2004 
Walks Far Woman 
Edition: First edition 
Year: 1976 
ISBN: 0803793650 
ISBN 13: 9780803793651 
Call No: PZ4.S9 
Women of the Apache Nation : voices of truth 
Edition: First edition 
Year: 1991 
ISBN: 0874171687 
ISBN 13: 9780874171686 
Call No: E98.W8 St6 
Year: 1984 
Call No: TT157.P31 
Winisk : on the shore of Hudson Bay 
Year: 1997 
ISBN: 1896219357 
ISBN 13: 9781896219356 
Wisconsin Chippewa myths and tales : and their relation to Chippewa life (Based on folktales collected by Victor Barnouw, Joseph B. Casagrande, Ernestine Friedl, and Robert E. Ritzenthaler) 
Edition: First edition 
Year: 1977 
ISBN: 0299073106 
ISBN 13: 9780299073107 
Call No: E99.C6 B34 
Walking in Indian Moccasins : the Native policies of Tommy Douglas and the CCF 
Year: 1997 
ISBN: 0774806095 
ISBN 13: 9780774806091 
Call No: E78.S2 B37 1997