Native education in Alberta : Alberta Native people's views on Native education

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Publication Year
Alberta Education, Canada
Indigenous peoples -- Education -- Alberta
"This report presents a consensus of the perspectives held by Native people of Alberta on ways to ensure that Native students obtain the same high quality education as other Alberta students. This consensus was obtained at over 180 meetings with Native communities, reserves, organizations, students, groups, and individuals, with a total attendance of about 4,000. Numerous written comments were submitted as well. The Native view of the purpose of education is that it should provide knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to survive in today's society, reflect contributions made to society by Native cultures, and provide opportunities for Native students to develop self-esteem and take pride in their heritage. The curriculum should include programs for and about Native people, including Native language courses; assistance in learning English as a second language; programs based on the needs of rural Native students; and alternate vocational programs for early school leavers. To improve delivery of instruction, teachers need training on Native cultures, Native students need support services, isolated communities need complete secondary programs, and Native students need Native teachers. Lack of involvement by Native parents in their children's education is attributed to a feeling of not being welcome at school. Opportunities should be provided for all Native people to participate fully in all levels of decision making, including school boards. Includes many photographs and a list of meeting sites."
Number of Copies
Library | Accession No | Call No | Copy No | Edition | Location | Availability |
Main | 32634 | E96.65.A4 B42 | 1 | Yes |