Parsons on the plains

Thomas Bredin ( Bredin, Thomas )
John McDougall ( McDougall, John )
General Library Collection  [ Browse Items ]
Publication Year
Longman Canada Limited, United States 
John McDougall -- 1842-1917 
"The Canadian West in the mid-years of the last century was an unknown country. It is true that trappers had visited the Indians, but aside from a few journals records were not kept.

Through this marvelous, open but often dangerous country went Reverend John McDougall, a missionary and author extraordinary. He lived with the Indians, travelled with them and had adventures with animals, flooding streams, and nature that could often be violent. From his experiences came three books, long out of print: Forest, Lake and Prairie: Twenty Years of Frontier Life in Western Canada, 1842-62; Saddle, Sled and Snowshoe: Pioneering on the Saskatchewan in the Sixties; and Stirring Scenes of Life in the Canadian North West.

Parsons on the Plains is a carefully and lovingly edited version of these three books. Mr. Bredin has retained all the flavour of the original work and provides the reader with an account of Canadian life during a time of social change. More than a book that looks so closely at the way the individual missionaries, soldiers and Indians lived, it is a true story of high excitement and adventure, beautifully written.

As he travelled through the country with his father the Reverend George Millward McDougall and a guide, young John wrote of "lakes with lawn-like banks", of "gems of prairie with clumps of spruce and poplar", and of the way they would imagine farms and villages of the future and railroads running through the country.

Parsons on the Plains is a book of all ages, though John McDougall is recalling his youth in much of the book and the adventure is spirited and gripping enough to engross any youth yearning for adventure. This segment of Canadian life recalls the frontier as it really was."--Book jacket. 
193 pages ; 24 cm. 
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