
Tag: Cree language -- Study and teaching (Elementary) [ All ]

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  Title Copies
Kiskinwahamākīwin pimōtīhowākana ōci : Woodland Cree, a unit on transportation 
Year: 1994 
Call No: PM989.Z9W497 
Tāpasinahikīwina pimōtīhowākana ōci : teacher's visual resources on transportation 
Year: 2003 
Series: Cree language 
Tāpasinahikīwina wāskahikanīwi-āpacīcikana ōci : teacher's visual resources on household objects 
Year: 2003 
Series: Cree language 
nīhithaw itwīwina = Woodland Cree wordlist & workbook 
Cree language sounds and letter formation in the "Th" dialect 
Year: 2006 
Grade four - six Cree verbs bingo cards 
Year: 2008 
Kindergarten - grade three Cree verbs bingo cards 
Year: 2008