
Category: Audio Visual and Multimedia Materials [ All ]

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  Title Copies
Pow wow trail. Episode 1, the drum 
Year: 2004 
Plains Cree games 
Year: 2013 
Call No: PM986.S65 CD 
Place of the boss : Utshimassits 
Year: 1996 
Picturing a people : George Johnston, Tlingit photographer 
Year: 1997 
Peoples of the Skeena 
Year: 1949 
People of the potlatch 
Year: 1944 
Patrick's story 
Year: 1999 
Patricia Cano sings songs from the (post) mistress / a one-woman musical 
Year: 2013 
Our spirits don't speak English : Indian boarding school 
Year: 2008 
Our nationhood 
Year: 2003