Title |
Authors/Editors |
Publisher |
Type |
Copies |
1986 report of the Cree-Naskapi Commission
Cree-Naskapi Commission |
Books |
1 |
A history of Native claims processes in Canada, 1867-1979
Books |
1 |
A history of the Cree Indian territorial expansion from the Hudson Bay area to the interior Saskatchewan and Missouri Plains
Clearwater Publishing Company, Inc. |
Books |
1 |
Aboriginal fishing rights : laws, courts, politics
Fernwood Publishing Co., Ltd. |
Books |
1 |
Aboriginal law : cases, materials and commentary
Purich Publishing |
Books |
1 |
Aboriginal law : commentary and analysis
UBC Press |
Books |
1 |
Aboriginal law : materials prepared for a Continuing Legal Education seminar held in Vancouver, B.C. on April 28, 1990
Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia |
Books |
1 |
Aboriginal law handbook
Carswell |
Books |
1 |
Aboriginal law, 1993 : materials prepared for a Continuing Legal Education seminar held in Vancouver, B.C. on July 23 and 24, 1993
Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia |
Books |
1 |
Aboriginal people : history of discriminatory laws
Library of Parliament, Research Branch |
Books |
1 |