Results for "N"

Page 13 of 44

  Title Copies
Nipigon to Winnipeg : a canoe voyage through Western Ontario by Edward Umfreville in 1784 
Year: 1929 
Call No: F1032.U4 
nipēhtēn nipēhtawāw = [I can hear] (Plains Cree) 
Year: 1992 
ISBN: 1551650304 
Nipēhtēn nipēhtawāw = [I can hear] (I can series, Swampy Cree)  
Year: 1995 
ISBN: 1551650312 
Nipēhtēn Nipēhtawāw 
Year: 1992 
Call No: PM987 S7 1995 
Nipawi, on the Saskatchewan River, and its historic sites 
Year: 1944 
Call No: F1070.4.M84 
nipakosêyimon = I hope 
Year: 2022 
ISBN 13: 9781459833258 
ninipahi nīpīwisin! = [I'm so embarrassed!] 
Year: 2019 
Nine tales of coyote 
Year: 1950 
Call No: E98 .F6 M 
Nine Micmac legends 
Year: 1983 
ISBN: 0889991960 
ISBN 13: 9780889991965 
Call No: E99.M6 N86 
nimosôm okiskisiwin = nimihšōmihš ta-minciwēnciman = Grandfather's reminder 
Year: 2022 
ISBN: 1988783828 
ISBN 13: 9781988783826