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  Title Copies
Yízi bít'ázi, nits'én tthéretthi = Inside, outside, upside down (Dene/English) 
Year: 2000 
Series: Dene language 
Call No: PM2453.S649 2001 
Woyude, woyude, woyude 
Year: 1996 
ISBN: 1551651424 
Series: Nakoda language 
Wowahec̀un = Kinship 
Year: 1998 
ISBN: 1551653095 
ISBN 13: 9781551653099 
Series: Nakoda language 
Call No: E99.A84 O88 1998 
Wīsahkēcāhk ēkwa waskwayak : ātayohkēwin = How the birch tree got its stripes : a Cree story for children  
Year: 1988 
ISBN: 0920571085 
ISBN 13: 9780920571088 
Series: Cree language 
Call No: E99.C88 H69 1998 
Wīndamawisin, wīndamawisin = [Tell me, tell me] (Saulteaux) 
Year: 2000 
ISBN: 155165380X 
Call No: PM854.B429 2000 
wīhtamowin, wīhtamowin = Tell me, tell me (Woodland Cree/English) 
Year: 2000 
ISBN: 1551653753 
wihtamawin, wihtamawin = Tell me, tell me (Plains Cree/English) 
Year: 2000 
ISBN: 1551653710 
Wicoiye iyecina iabi togaheya = Nakota primary phonics book 
Year: 1999 
Series: Nakoda language 
Wic̀oie iyec̀eḣc̀i eyap̄i tok̄aheya = Lakota primary phonics book 
Year: 1999 
Series: Lakota language 
Who am I? (Okinīs series, English) 
Year: 1994 
ISBN: 1551650592 
Call No: PE1117.M316 1995