
Series: Woodland Cree language [ All ]

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  Title Copies
ninipahi nīpīwisin! = [I'm so embarrassed!] 
Year: 2019 
nipostiskīn nipostiskawāw = [I wear] (I can series, Woodland Cree) 
Year: 1992 
Syllabic learning kit 
Call No: PM986.S95  
tānisi-kākī-itāhkamikahk piyak-ispathiw = [What happened in one week?] (Woodland Cree) 
Year: 2000 
ISBN: 1551654318 
cīpay kīsikāw, cīpay tipiskāw 
Year: 2001 
wīhtamowin, wīhtamowin = Tell me, tell me (Woodland Cree/English) 
Year: 2000 
ISBN: 1551653753 
mōswa! = [Moose!] 
Year: 2019 
maskihkīwiskwīw takohtīw = [The nurse arrives] (Okinīs series, Woodland Cree) 
Year: 1994 
ISBN: 1551650193 
Year: 2006 
Eddie athīkis awa = [Eddie the frog] (Woodland Cree) 
Year: 1997 
ISBN: 1551651882